Call-to-Artists – Beyond the Gallery

Urban Public Art & Design - Beyond the Gallery

Art practices that exist outside of the confines of the gallery have a long history that include genres such as land art, eco-art, public art, and social practice art. This short listing, though far from complete, is meant to provide a platform for understanding the scope of creativity outside the boundaries of white cubic space.

The aim of this call-to-artists is to exhibit Urban Public Artworks that fulfills its traditional role while pushing the envelope of social space, and even technology, to actualize itself in harmony with the urban and natural environment. In doing so we would like to provide examples of Urban Public Art that can inspire people. These can be completed projects for which you have visual and written documentation, or they can be models or maquettes for a project yet to be realized.

“My dream project idea was not selected for implementation, can I submit that?”

Yes, we want to see your dream project idea, or public art submission was not chosen, we are especially interested in seeing it.

These projects can take many forms. We are thinking about Urban Public Artworks that provide energy, sustainable gardens, realistic transportation solutions, and outdoor multipurpose venues, large scale, or just some small feature. It is up to you, the artist, to submit your ideas, projects, or plans. We are open to whatever you have to offer.

Urban art and design projects are supported in the public realm with creativity, inspiration, and financial support. When urban communal spaces become more humanized they grow culturally and economically, inspiring the various populations that use those spaces in many exciting ways. This is what we are looking for, creativity and inspiration, notions that can be realized, actualized, and carried forward into the future of S. Florida.

This call-to-artists seeks out projects, realized or experimental, that play with those notions.

To apply for this exhibition call, please read and follow the below information.

Every application must have:

  1. *Proposal statement
  2. *Artist résumé
  3. *Artist statement
  4. *No more than ten (10) image samples (unzipped, max. dimensions of 800 x 800 pixels, 72 dpi.)
  5. Optional: Video submissions see below (no longer than three (3) minutes, queued at the beginning point for viewing submission)
  6. Optional: Additional Support materials (no more than two pieces of information from a curator, critic, or writer not associated with your project)

* Required with your submission via email.

All submissions will be reviewed a.s.a.p. Do not call about the status of your submission, we will try to respond to everyone via email. If accepted, you will be asked to submit a full proposal. SEND SUBMISSIONS HERE.

Application with video or large digital Files: Each applicant should create an online gallery of a coherent set of 10-12 images based around your project  theme/concept, and include a direct link in your application. Do not link to your entire web site, but create a portfolio of images specifically for this application only. Your provided URL (web address –, should be emailed to: contact @, along with your Art Project submission.

DEADLINE: 31 MAY, 2011.

All accepted project proposals are subject to a small processing fee.