Momoko Sudo

Title: Unassuming Bean with Red and Gray
Media: Collage with Paper
Dimensions (HxWxD): 4″x5″x1/8″
Date Created: 2006

Title: Unassuming Bean with Red and Green
Media: Collage with Papers
Dimensions (HxWxD): 4″x5″x1/8″
Date Created: 2006

Acrylic on paper
11”x14” 2005
I am a Japanese-born self taught visual artist, inspired to create an expression of contentment through my minimalist art. I currently live and work in Miami, Florida. I resigned to become an artist after I read a summarized version of Kierkegaard. My art is an act of what Kierkegaard called “subjective truth.”
Art – LINESCAPING allows art lovers of all kinds to visualize a sense of garden tranquility. My artistic style of accumulated repetitive lines shape unique compositions, creating a Zen like feeling of peace and splendor. I see an expression of contentment in my art and believe our minds are a part of nature, intrinsic to perfect beauty.
“In our minds there is an awareness of perfection and when we look with our eyes we see it.” – Agnes Martin (1912 – 2004)
Technique – Painting lines with acrylic paint is a well controlled version of drip painting, and it requires certain mastery. The tuning of the tool requires constant readjustments in order to produce the smooth and even lines. Although my art appears simple, the production of it is not as simple as it seems. There are numerous treatments I perform to acrylic paint and surface of canvas prior to making lines. Once all the preparations are done, however, the line-making goes surprisingly fast.