Artist Residency Update

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“Between the River and Lagoon,” our artist residency initiative devoted several weeks during January, 2014 in rural Fort Pierce, Florida to provide the necessary time to develop working sketches, photograph historical locations, access county records, talk to local historians. Some of the residency production became part of a comprehensive exhibition in drawing, photography, and video at FIU Frost Art Museum. Our Kickstarter project allowed for the residency’s lodging and per diem during the stay in Fort Pierce.

Onajide Shabaka developed two different, but related performative works. Each work included walking, the artist’s primary performative action out of which other notions flow, “Uncovering Places of Memory: The Body of Bill ‘Blackjack’ Horton,” and “Shifting of the Landscape Black.” Both projects documented presence through time by discretely walking several blocks in a neighborhood, and several out of town locations.

Final Report Documentation: “Between the River and Lagoon” (2MB) [link temporarily disabled]

Mangrove Mud Womp Artist Residency

“Mangrove Mud Womp”
Artist Residency, Performance, Workshop, & Exhibition
[PDF Press Release here.]
Oct., Nov., Dec., 2011-12
(scheduled attendance on various weekends announced on Facebook)
(photo credits: Onajide Shabaka)

“Mangrove Mud Womp”

Combining art and the ecological environment the artist-in-residence will be drawing, painting, and making sculptures of natural and found objects, while investigating the rich mangrove forest’s flora and fauna. This project will be implemented with the input and collaboration of the on-site naturalist at Anne Kolb Nature Center.

The artist, along with kids and adults, will create art works that reflects the ecologically sensitive mangrove forest that is between Hollywood and Dania known as West Lake. This project is to create a learning experience about the natural habitat of the estuary through art.

In addition there will be a panel discussion on urban planning & design, while looking at pushing the envelope of social space, and even technology, to actualize itself in harmony with the urban and natural environment. Art practices that exist outside of the confines of the gallery have a long history that include genres such as land art, eco-art, public art, and social practice art.


“Black Mangroves (video still)”

Build Your Project Proposal

Have a project that’s been languishing on the back burner? Let’s get it done!

The best way to get that project moving forward is to get some expert help. Your lead workshop facilitator has experience with successful project proposals and grant writing. Come join us for the day in Broward and get your project back on track!

Hands on workshop covering all the necessary areas for a project proposal, including: participants, description, process, budget, all with hand-outs.

What you’ll get, details and more!:

Components of a Proposal
Executive Summary
Project Description
Individual Artist or Corporate Information
Support materials

Workshop participants limited for one-on-one attention.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch break included)

Global Caribbean: Interrogating Politics of Location in Lit. and Culture


Register for Building Your Project Proposal in Fort Lauderdale, FL  on Eventbrite