Miami Art Live! with Annie Wharton at FAU (part 3)

Annie Wharton was in town for a video screening at the Sagamore Hotel, Miami Beach and, an exhibition of her paintings at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, (Wynwood Art Walk) Saturday, April 11 at 7:30pm. Ms. Wharton is involved with a lot of local projects during her stay here but, she did take time to come talk to FAU’s students and faculty.

Annie and I go back over 10 yrs. when she was a student in one of my drawing classes. She’s worked hard and made a successful career. Her art is fresh and vibrant, full of richness and, above all, contains nuggets of its author, a truly beautiful woman and friend.

Annie Wharton was in town for a video screening at the Sagamore Hotel, Miami Beach and, an exhibition of her paintings at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, (Wynwood Art Walk) Saturday, April 11 at 7:30pm. Ms. Wharton is involved with a lot of local projects during her stay here but, she did take time to come talk to FAU’s students and faculty.

Studio Visit: Tawnie Silva

[banner made of felt]

[“Road Trip” photographic series]

Studio Visit: Tawnie Silva

What does Tawnie Silva do, he’s got sewing machine, piles of felt and fabric, notions (as one uses in sewing), styrofoam, and all kinds of things made of all those materials. In his studio, Silva is juggling two different things: things he’s already made and paintings on illustration board, similar to Flash cards. His art is full of play yet has a serious pull as well.

He’s already had an exhibition of his circus sideshow banners emblazoned with altruistic or sometimes confounding phrases at the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood. The banners made with heated press-on cutouts so that it looks like a stencil. Silva however, makes his own patterns, selects his own colors, writes his own text and assembles the entire piece himself.

He has studied commercial figurative illustration, but not clothing construction where flat pieces of material are transformed into three-dimensional objects. With his new direction, he’s taking three-dimensional objects and making them into flat, two-dimensional pieces. This reverse kind of piece is still in process but it can be seen in the banners how such a reverse transformation could take place easily in his hands.

The banners show through color relationships a layered means of created the illusion of depth. Even though the material he uses is felt, a dense, heavy fabric, his handling of the materials is light and deft.

Another interesting process Silva has used is drawing with a single black thread using tweezers to attach the thread to velcro. Creating both figures and text across a narrow panel, Silva has created a tenuous piece of art with a tenuous message about suicide. His handling of materials and text are considered and playful.

“I don’t want to sound cynical; I don’t want to be a pessimist, I want to be an optimist and, hopefully, one day be very altruistic. Reality, well, you’ve got to fight it all the time,” Silva insisted.

Silva has also created three-dimensional blowup figures made from plastic bags like the kind you get from the grocery store. He has expanded those works a bit by creating an oversized rabbit head that he used for a series of photographic image, but they are also pointing toward a new series of photos in which Silva has become his own model. He’s trying to be playful yet kinky and anti-societal… transgressive is what I would say is the goal. Playful yet transgressive… that ain’t easy to do. A lot of the images do achieve that, however.

While Silva’s studio practice is full of non-traditional art making, it is full of interesting ideas and processes. Play is literally mixed with work when you walk through his door.

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Progression: Kim Nicolini

Kim has been a writing contributor over the years but she also makes art.

“Working in spurts, but spurts that feel good. Making progress, but have a long way to go. Having a long way to go feels good too. We’ll see how it ends up. Here’s the progression so far. It’s an exciting process for reasons I’ll explain later. Right now I have to put the Hoover Wind Tunnel to work. I wonder if anyone but me can notice the progression?”

Four days ago:
Last Saturday:

PS: Bean’s comment about the current version: “I love the fur collar.”
(Via So What? Kim Dot Dammit Live..)

Studio Visit: Tonietta Walters

I Alone


latex embedded with steel shavings
plaster tiles
XhyraGraf - "in her Second Life studio"
sand on studio floor

Studio Visit: Tonietta Walters

by Onajide Shabaka

Like many artists, Tonietta Walters struggles with her practice. She is challenged by her practice. And, she is enveloped by her practice in ways that many of us can relate to. It grabs her, shakes her around, asks her tough questions that she cannot always answer. This is the place where we find ourselves, about to enter her studio, the threshold of a place that is uncomfortable but, it’s where she creates and brings into being including, all the things we have just tried to explain. We exhibited your work on Gallery back in January, 2004 and there is still a similarity in the work we see in your studio today. What attracts you to this material and what is it? How do you work with it?

Tonietta Walters: The material is latex but I also use fiberglass resin. I use it because of its texture and its tactile qualities. I started using these as an undergrad because I like the way it takes on the memory of a surface or form. I like the natural color of latex when it dries. I like the way it allows me to work through my art making process. I’m very much a process oriented person and find I work best if I am in a process heavy, creative mode.

A few years ago I painted on latex that was stretched on a frame like a regular painting but, for the most part, I prefer to use it more organically or freely and have used it in sculptural forms. The one thing about latex is that it degrades over time just as memory does. An example of this deterioration can be found in the two flat pieces I have with steel shavings embedded into them.. One of them  is deteriorating faster than the other. (image above)

M: Those two types of works, the latex stretched on the frame and the flat pieces with steel shavings, are very different. The ones that are stretched tell the regular viewer this is a finished, completed work. It’s final. Yet it’s not when thinking about how the material is going to change rapidly over time. The flat pieces are much more conceptual and one would have the expectation that there is some fluidity in them, especially when you’re so heavily invested in process. It seems that you have something to work through there however, I know a major part of the concern is the audience, your audience as you’ve found them. You used the word “honesty” in talking about your relationship with your audience and maybe there is a something disingenuous in your approach.

T: There’s also in the work the concept of a “framing” or memory capture of the more visceral aspects of experience: some of the pieces have that and some don’t. If I had my choice, I’d do installations. I did an installation at the Broward Main Library, 6th Floor gallery, that included paintings, sculptures surrounded by sand and the tiles you see here, made from plaster onto which I inscribed the various languages, cuneiform, greek, binary code, etc, I will reuse the tiles in other installation work. I’m currently working on a similar installation with sand (see image above) and although I have some initial ideas about what I want, I work until the piece is finished in my mind. I don’t direct myself in that way, it’s about “flow.”

M: There seems to be a certain expectation, true or not, that the visual art audience from the Caribbean basin have preconceived notions as to what art is or what art should be. The dichotomies in your work express that. If we compare the latex pieces for instance, stretched on a frame and flat without a frame, points to that. What I’m getting at is, how do you break free from somebody else’s expectations? You know, the “average” art audience knows, Picasso, Warhol, Dali, and Pollack for the most part, so how do you do something different than that (thinking about the poured flat latex pieces) and still have this audience here in Lauderhill specifically accept and embrace lots of difference, including conceptual work?

T: Yes, well, that is kind of our mission here at our Center. We want to give our gallery and the resident artists the opportunity to be more freeform and open to different things.

You haven’t said anything about the digital pieces you’re doing, could you tell me about them?

T: Well, they come from Second Life, you do know what that is, right?

M: Not really. I’ve heard of Second Life but I don’t know what it is.

T: Okay, Second Life is a multiple online role-playing game where you can create a character, an avatar, and the environment for that character. So, what I did was set up a studio in Second Life with a gallery and a loft living space. I took it as an opportunity to learn how to build in 3-D. So, I go around and take pictures of myself and other people. I’m like a photographer. It is the same kind of thing as a memory capture of another version of me, but I admit to sometimes using the game as a substitute for working with 3-D sculpture proper. I have, however, created a couple of maquettes in Second Life that I used with a couple of proposals. So, that has been helpful.

So these pieces (see image above) are photos of my avatar that I have photographed in the game and printed out and applied to canvas including some painting. Her name is XhyraGraf. Even though most of my recent work has been in Second Life, my sculptural practice has remained important and that is where I’m currently refocusing my energies.

M: Well, thank you Tonietta for allowing me into your studio for this little visit and interview.

T: You’re most welcome.

[Afterword by Ms. Walters: Actually, the work itself is not at all a place of discomfort or struggle and is also a place for the finding of answers. The discomfort is balancing the time to do the work with obligations and making sure I don’t bring baggage to the process.

But, this is about your (the interviewer, Onajide Shabaka’s) interpretation.

I am  probably at a place of discomfort now but it has nothing to do with the artwork — more with reconciling with the fact that I am  a bit disconnected from  the work and allowing myself to claim  my time as my own so I can reconnect with the work.

Sometimes it is challenging, yes [in the way familiar to most artists] but the kind of challenge that my art practice provides is the only place I am  comfortable. I use the word ‘practice’ much as a doctor or psychiatrist would open up private practice. It in no way means I am  unsure of what my skills are or what I am  doing or the kind of results I am  hoping to achieve.]

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Rául Perdomo

Rául Perdomo

drawing on mylar

This work on mylar was exhibited at the Hollywood Art and Culture Center in 2009. Mr. Perdomo recently spoke about the difficulty of working on mylar, although this piece is very beautifully crated.


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The Prisoner’s Dilemma at CIFO / Interview with curator Leanne Mella

The current exhibition at CIFO is titled: The Prisoner’s Dilemma: Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection. The show is curated by Leanne Mella, a contemporary art curator, specializing in American artist’s work in film, video, performance, photography and new media. The works in this exhibition comment upon, confront and challenge strategies of totalizing power and social control. Among the works on display are Stan Douglas’ Mess Hall, Isla de Pinos (2005), Alexandre Arrechea’s El Espacio Alterado (2004), and Barbara Kruger’s Untitled (We are the Objects of Your Suave Entrapments), 1984.

Miami Art Exchange founder and editor Onajidé Shabaka spoke with Leanne Mella about the exhibition at the occasion of the Opening Brunch at CIFO, Miami / Florida, on December 5, 2008.

PS: Interview with CIFO chief curator Cecilia Fajardo-Hill on VernissageTV.

Eddie Alvarez

Road Rage

Title: Road Rage
Medium: Color Pencil on Linoleum
Dimensions (HxWxD): 8″x6″

Chile 1989

Title: Chile 1989

Medium: Chalk on Chalkboard
Dimensions (HxWxD): 35″x 23″x 1″
Date: 2005


Title: “bangkok”

Medium: acrylic and epoxy on wood
Dimensions (HxWxD): 17″ x 12″
Date: 2003


Title: “nocturne”

Media: acrylic and epoxy
Dimensions (HxWxD): 24″ x 24″
Date Created: 2003

Eddie Alvarez

The night paintings are a somber, melancholic expression of aimless nights. The initial concept is one of mood and atmosphere. That is to say, the mood of the nocturnal, the dark, the nostalgic, the vulnerability that washes over with the setting of the vibrant sun. In this sense, the subject is symbolic. The dark void of the night a metaphor for an empty loneliness, the bright glare of parading lights a mocking reminder of a seemingly indifferent society. Some may find a feeling of urban/ suburban alienation that is often shared (less often admitted) in our modernized, frigid society. Viewers who themselves have felt this detachment, would in turn, feel a personal connection with a subject otherwise alienating.

The depiction is simple yet substantial. The scenes are essentially landscapes painted mostly from my own photographs. However they are obscured rather than a detailed and accurate representation of the visual or “real” world. Much like the blurred recounts of the estranged, to whom the new day brings only the promise of a less harrowing weight than the night. These are places not completely discernable but familiar to anyone. Under an immensely glossy and thick surface, brush work and inaccuracies are straight-forwardly evidenced and relied upon. The challenge of balancing abstract surface qualities, paint application and communicating an image is the essence of the execution. In this case the communication is via the least refined road possible, using minimal detail in achieving immersive paintings.

[originally published: July, 2006]